Dance For The Health Of It
Please note: This class is now full.
Young at Heart Theatre has once again partnered with Julia Sauvé to offer special movement classes for adults.
Dance for the Health of it is a restorative movement class designed to enhance strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, brain power, mobility and fun! Open to all abilities. No experience necessary.
Julia Sauvé, MA has been performing, teaching, and chore-ographing dance on P.E.I. and the U.S. for the past 43 years. She Co-founded Montage Dance Theatre and dance umbrella, has performed with The Charlottetown Festival, choreographed for numerous community, school, and the-atre organizations, and most recently taught within the Hol-land College School of Performing Arts. Most recently Julia has been teaching a movement class for people with Parkinson’s.
This partnership was made possible through funding from Innovation PEI.
There will be eight free Monday classes beginning September 9th at the Beaconsfield Carriage House, from 12:30- 2pm. Class size is limited so please register early by emailing or by calling (902) 393-9419.